Blog - Page 27
Selling an Inherited Home in Phoenix
Selling an inherited home can be a deeply personal and overwhelming experience — both a financial gift and a challenge. From family disagreements to uncovering maintenance surprises along the way, there are many steps that go into selling an inherited piece of property. The below [...]
Phoenix Housing Supported by Strong Economy, High Wages
The aftermath of the real estate market crash. Is it over? Time to get back in or has all the opportunity in the real estate market passed? Real estate investing can appear to be overwhelmingly dominated by opinion rather than fact. Few non-institutional investors bother [...]
The Supreme Guide to Selling An Inherited Home
Inheriting a home from a loved one can be an extremely difficult time in one’s life. Prior to inheriting the home, you were probably dealing with a family member who has been battling a sickness or moving on from old age. The last thing you [...]